

The Bible of sixty-six books is for only one thing. That’s very marvelous. I underline those words, only one thing. What is that one thing? It’s for God in Christ as the Spirit to dispense Himself into us to be our life, our nature, and our everything, so that we may live Christ and express Christ. Now, listen to the statement after the semicolon. This is profound and wonderful. This should be the principle that governs our life.  

This should be our principle. When we wake up in the morning, what should be with us is, “Lord, dispense Yourself into me today, and dispense Yourself into me to such an extent that You can flow out of me to dispense Yourself into others.” That is the principle that governs my life, my whole life. You know, for taking care of new ones or whatever the Lord burdens us with, if by our local ministry to them, we don’t dispense God into them, then we miss the governing principle in the entire Bible. We missed the principle that should govern our life.

Now I’ve got all these verses on here. You can see this. Especially, you know, in John 10:10, the Lord says, “I am the life.” That’s the divine life, of course, the eternal life. The Lord says, “ I came that you might have it abundantly.” How does He do that? He goes through incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. In the resurrection, He becomes the life-giving Spirit. So that’s how He accomplishes His commission. He dispenses Himself into us as life, by Himself as the life-giving Spirit. 

And we can testify that many times we come to a meeting we’re very weak. If we make it into our chair, that’s a great, great thing. But we come in one way, and then as we’re in the meeting theLord little by little, He dispenses Himself into us. And we walk out of the meeting in a different way. We’re strengthened. We’re powered and we’re vivified with the divine life. That’s a real experience of God’s dispensing.


圣经六十六卷书只为着一件事:神在基督里借着那灵,要将祂自己分赐到我们里面,作我们的生命、性情和一切,好使我们能活基督并彰显基督;这该是管制我们生活的原则 。早上起床,我们该有的祷告就是:“主,更多把你自己分赐到我里面,到一个地步,能从我里面涌流出来,把你自己分赐到别人里面。”这是管制我们生活的原则。照顾新人时,我们若将神分赐到人里面,就是符合整本圣经管制我们的原则,否则我们就会失去管制我们生活的原则。

