Having Affliction in the World, yet Having Peace in the Lord
John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have affliction, but take courage; I have overcome the world.
Having Affliction in the World,
yet Having Peace in the Lord
In John 16:33 Christ said, “These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have affliction, but be of good courage, I have overcome the world.” This reveals that the believers have peace in the overcoming Christ. Although the Lord Jesus died and has been resurrected, we remain in the world where there is no peace. In this world we shall have only trouble. But the Lord Himself will be our peace, and we can have peace in Him. No matter how much this world troubles us and persecutes us, the Lord has overcome the world. We do not need to worry nor to fear the world. The world may persecute us and trouble us, but Christ is our peace, and He has overcome the world.
The Peace Christ Gives
Overcoming All Troubles and Fears
The Gospel of John also presents Christ as the believers’ peace. The Lord Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful” (John 14:27). The peace Christ gives overcomes all troubles and fears, especially those caused by the persecution of religion. When the Lord Jesus spoke these words, the disciples followed Him at the risk of losing their lives, or, at the very least, of losing the way to earn their living. Because the disciples were under the fear of the opposing and persecuting religion, the Lord told them that in Him they had peace. He left His peace with them, a peace that is actually the Lord Himself. No matter what opposition and persecution we may face, the Lord Jesus within us is our peace, and we may enjoy Him as peace. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 53)
Whatever Happens,
Simply Resting in Him
So we simply need to enjoy peace in Him. Whatever happens, simply rest in Him. If you cannot take my word now, wait for a certain period of time, and you will discover that all the things that worried you will come to nothing. You do not need to do anything, for actually there is no real trouble either in front of you or behind you. Apparently, there is a great deal of difficulty; actually, because you are God’s chosen ones under His all-sufficient care, there is no difficulty at all. You are God’s chosen ones assured with His promise and charged with His goal. Now you are on the way. I do not care about all the opposition and rumors. Many times I laugh at them. As long as we are on the way to reach God’s goal and as long as we have His promise as His chosen ones, everything is all right. (Life-study of Genesis, msg.74)
Lord Jesus, praise You as my peace. You have overcome the world and all the troubles and fears. No matter what circumstances and situations I face, I can enjoy You as my peace. Oh Lord, I come to You, and my heart is completely open to You, that I may rest in Your peace!