Coming Forward to the Throne of Grace
to Receive Mercy and Find Grace
Heb. 4:14 Having therefore a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast the confession.
16 Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help.
Christ Being the Bread-and-wine-ministering High Priest
The book of Hebrews reveals that He is very active as our High Priest, ministering Himself into us as the processed bread and wine for our daily supply. This is why Christ is not the High Priest according to Aaron but according to the order of Melchizedek. Today He is not the sacrifice-offering High Priest; He is the bread-and-wine-ministering High Priest. Hallelujah! We have righteousness and peace, but righteousness and peace alone cannot satisfy us; we need something to eat and drink. We need our daily supply. Thus, based upon God’s righteousness and peace, our Melchizedek ministers the bread and wine for us to eat and drink. He has redeemed us and now He feeds us. (Life-study of Hebrews, msg. 28 )
Christ Ministering Something Comforting and Strengthening into Us
As Christ bears us before God in the Holy of Holies, He ministers God into our being. When the apostle Paul prayed to the Lord, asking Him to remove the thorn (2 Cor. 12:7-8), the Lord said, “My grace is sufficient for you: for My strength is perfected in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9). The Lord seemed to be saying, “Paul, I will not remove that thorn, but I will impart Myself into you as grace. When I do this, you will know how precious and sufficient I am, and more of Me will be added into you.” This experience of Christ as our High Priest who bears us on His shoulder and breast and ministers God into us is an experience in the Holy of Holies, where we enjoy God Himself and all His riches. When we get into this experience, it is difficult to say where we are or what is happening. We can only say that we are upon the shoulders and breast of our High Priest and that He is ministering something comforting and strengthening into us. Perhaps all we can say is, “I have received something from the Lord, but I simply cannot describe it or give it a name.” This experience of Christ as our High Priest is the highest experience and enjoyment. (Life-study of Hebrews, msg. 27 )
Simply Coming Forward to the Throne of Grace
I simply need to come forward to the throne of grace and enjoy the positive High Priest ministering the bread and wine. This is the best breakfast. Whenever I enjoy such a breakfast, my whole day is a success. Just as we need a physical breakfast every day, so every morning we should enjoy Christ as our breakfast. The best breakfast table is the throne of grace where we enjoy Christ in such a positive way. Christ is our Melchizedek today. How we need to come forward to the throne of grace to Him, the One who ministers the bread and wine! (Life-study of Hebrews, msg. 28)
We should forget our environment, weaknesses, troubles, and even ourselves and only remember that today Jesus Christ is our High Priest in the Holy of Holies. As long as we have such a High Priest, we have everything we need. (Life-study of Hebrews, msg. 27 )
Lord, praise You as our High Priest today, bearing us on Your shoulders and breast and ministering the bread and wine as our daily supply. O, Lord, now I come forward to the throne of grace and enjoy You and all Your riches that I may get comfort and strength from within.