1 对于我们基督徒来说,一切聚会中最重要的就是擘饼聚会。
2 擘饼聚会是我们可以向主献上记念的惟一聚会。
4 在擘饼聚会中我们可以向主献上感激、珍赏、敬拜、和记念。
5 没有一件事比擘饼聚会更为重要。
6 我们每一次记念祂的时候,都得着祂作我们的满足,作我们的喜乐和供应。
7 擘饼聚会不是为着别的,乃是为着记念主。
8 擘饼聚会是为让我们享受主和祂为我们成功的一切。
9 擘饼聚会分为两部分。第一部分是记念主,第二部分是敬拜父。
10 我们吃饼就是享受主作我们生命的供应;我们喝杯就是接受神的祝福。
1 对于我们基督徒来说,一切聚会中最重要的就是擘饼聚会。
For us Christians, the most important meeting among all the meetings is the Lord’s table meeting.
2 擘饼聚会是我们可以向主献上记念的惟一聚会。
The Lord’s table meeting is the only meeting where we can render our remembrance to the Lord.
When we remember the Lord, we are eating Him, drinking Him, and enjoying Him.
4 在擘饼聚会中我们可以向主献上感激、珍赏、敬拜、和记念。
In the Lord’s table meeting we can render our gratitude, appreciation, worship, and remembrance to the Lord.
5 没有一件事比擘饼聚会更为重要。
Nothing is more important than the Lord’s table meeting.
6 我们每一次记念祂的时候,都得着祂作我们的满足,作我们的喜乐和供应。
Every time when we remember Him, we gain/have Him as our satisfaction, joy, and supply.
7 擘饼聚会不是为着别的,乃是为着记念主。
The bread-breaking meeting is not for anything else but for remembering the Lord.
The bread-breaking meeting is not for anything other than remembering the Lord.
8 擘饼聚会是为让我们享受主和祂为我们成功的一切。
The bread-breaking meeting is for us to enjoy the Lord and all that He has accomplished for us.
9 擘饼聚会分为两部分。第一部分是记念主,第二部分是敬拜父。
The bread-breaking meeting is divided into two parts: the first part is remembering the Lord, and the second part is worshipping the Father.
10 我们吃饼就是享受主作我们生命的供应;我们喝杯就是接受神的祝福。
When we eat the bread, we are enjoying the Lord as our life supply. When we drink the cup, we are receiving God’s blessing.
Eating the bread is enjoying the Lord as our life supply. Drinking the cup is receiving God’s blessing.