被动语态(Passive Voice)
1 人是神照着祂的形象造的。
2 约柜是皂荚木和金造的。
3 参训前,我天然的心思从未受过对付。
4 没有受成全,我们是不会被主使用的。
5 保罗弟兄说过,所有信徒需要构成真理。
6 你们召会去年受浸了多少人?
7 我们召会的新会所正在修建中。
8 那两位新人正在接受学员的照顾。
9 马利亚姊妹会受邀请参加下周的爱筵。
10 保罗弟兄已受差遣去尼泊尔开展了。
1 人是神照着祂的形象造的。
Man was created by God according to His image.
2 约柜是皂荚木和金造的。
The ark is made with acacia wood and gold.
3 参训前,我天然的心思从未受过对付。
My natural mind had never been dealt with before I joined the training.
4 没有受成全,我们是不会被主使用的。
Without being perfected, we will not be used by the Lord.
5 保罗弟兄说过,所有信徒需要构成真理。
Brother Paul said that all believers need to be constituted with truth.
6 你们召会去年受浸了多少人?
How many people were baptized in your church last year?
7 我们召会的新会所正在修建。
A new meeting hall in our church is being built.
8 那两位新人正在接受学员的照顾。
Those two sisters were being taken care of by the trainees.
9 马利亚姊妹会受邀请参加下周的爱筵。
Sister Mary will be invited to attend the love feast next week.
10 保罗弟兄已受差遣去尼泊尔开展了。
Brother Paul has been sent to Nepal for propagation.