Being Able to Save to the Uttermost


Being Able to Save to the Uttermost

Heb. 7:25      Hence also He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them.


Christ as our High Priest Being Able to Save
in Every Kind of Situation and Condition

Hebrews 7:25 tells us that Christ “is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them.” Here the expression to the uttermost means “completely, entirely, perfectly, to the end, and for eternity.” This indicates that Christ as our High Priest is able to save to the fullest extent, that is, to save in every kind of situation and condition.

Taking Care of Us by Interceding for Us

He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for us. Christ as our High Priest undertakes our case by interceding for us. He appears before God on our behalf and prays for us that we may be saved and brought fully into God’s eternal purpose. We should believe that Christ is always interceding for us. By interceding for us, He takes care of us. He can take care of us much better than we could ever take care of ourselves. Most of the time we are foolish in the way that we care for ourselves. Instead of trying to take care of ourselves by our own efforts, we should simply give ourselves to Him and rest, knowing that He is always caring for us. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 375)

Christ is able to save us because He intercedes for us. As our High Priest, Christ undertakes our case by interceding for us. He appears before God on our behalf, praying for us that we may be saved and brought fully into God’s eternal purpose. You may say that you have never realized that He is interceding for you. There is no need for you to realize this. What good would it do if you did realize it? Do not try to realize His intercession. Simply rest in it, trust in it, and enjoy it. Be assured that your divine High Priest is continually interceding for you. My experience tells me that many times I have been saved by His intercession. We have a perpetual, constant, and eternal Intercessor.

Interceding for Us and Saving Us to the Uttermost

Our divine High Priest intercedes for us constantly, knowing how easy it is for us to fall and, once we have fallen, to remain in our fallen state. Sooner or later His intercession will overcome, subdue, and save us. If this does not happen today or tomorrow, it may happen next year, in the next age, or, at the latest, in the new heaven and the new earth. We all shall be completely subdued and saved by His intercession. God has appointed Him to take care of us, and He is now taking care of us by interceding for us. Although you may forget that you have called upon His name, He will never forget it. He is interceding for you and He will save you to the uttermost. (Life-study of Hebrews, msg. 33)



Dear Lord Jesus, praise You as our High Priest, and You are able to save us in every kind of situation and condition. Only You live always to intercede for us. Oh, Lord, You know how easy it is for me to fall, and I admit that I need your salvation, and I need Your intercession. Lord, I come to You and I trust in Your intercession, receive Your intercession. I give myself to You and rest in You.