Jesus Christ


John 14:6a      Jesus said to him, I am the way and the reality and the life.

The key to the understanding of the Bible and of God is the person of Jesus Christ. Many historians have considered Him a great leader, and many social reformers have considered Him a great teacher of mankind. Napoleon ranked himself equal with Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Charlemagne, but acknowledged that Jesus was above all of them and belonged to a different class.

Christ’s Miracles

One of the learned Jewish teachers of His time, Nicodemus, confessed that no one could perform the miracles that Christ performed unless God was with him. During His three and a half years of ministry He healed lepers, restored the lame, the dumb, and the blind, and even raised the dead. He cast out demons and quelled the storm. He fed five thousand with five loaves and two fish. He changed water into wine and walked on the sea.

He proclaimed that He is the resurrection and the life. He proved Himself to be the Lord over nature and over Satan. The Gospel of John says that these miracles manifest His glory and prove that He is the Son of God.

Christ’s Words

He spoke with authority and life. Many great world leaders have left words of wisdom to posterity, but no one in history has ever affected as many lives as Christ has with His words. Gandhi could not say that he was the light of the world, nor could Aristotle say that he was the way and the reality and the life. The greatest philosophers of the world can at most say that they point others to the way; they can never say that they are the way. But Christ said that He is the way and the reality and the life.

Christ’s Death and Resurrection

He foretold His death to His disciples before it took place. His death was an exact fulfillment of the prophecies concerning the Messiah foretold by the prophets hundreds of years before. The Bible says that Christ died as the Substitute for all sinners. The eternal efficacy of Christ’s redemptive death is a proof that Christ is God.

He was in the grave for less than seventy-two hours. On the third day Christ rose from the grave. This is a historical fact, which no historian can overturn.  He resurrected with a body and appeared to His disciples many times for forty days.

Believing in Jesus as God

When a person calls on His name and believes in Him, Christ as the living Spirit enters into such a one and changes his life. Today you can experience Him by believing in Him. If you open your heart to Him, He will come into you to set up His kingdom within you. You will be brought out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Christ will be your new life within, and you will be a new person in Christ.

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