Matthew 4:4 “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God.”
The Bible Standing above All Other Books in the World
The Bible stands above all other books in the world. It is a unique book. The sixteenth President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, once said that “the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book.” It is the world’s most widely read book and has been translated into over one thousand languages, more than any other book in the world. Countless people have turned to the Bible for comfort, hope, and guidance during times of trouble and uncertainty.
The Bible Being the Holy Word of God
The reason that the Bible is different from all other books is that its nature is divine. The Scripture is God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16). This tells us that the Scripture did not come out of man’s thought, man’s mind, but, rather, it was God’s breathing His thought and His word through His Spirit into and out of the writers. Hence, the Bible contains God’s element and carries His flavor. A Christian’s greatest joy and blessing is to be able to contact God and taste Him daily through the word of His breath.
The Main Subjects of the Bible
The God revealed in the Bible is a God of wisdom and purpose. Just as any person who is intelligent and purposeful is always full of plans, our God who is most wise, has an eternal plan, which has much to do with man and the world.
The Bible tells us where man came from, how he was made, and where he is going. It also tells of God’s plan for man.
Christ is the central figure of the Bible. The Old Testament is a prophecy concerning Him, and the New Testament is the fulfillment of this prophecy. The Bible tells us how this Christ accomplished redemption and salvation for mankind.
Meeting Jesus Christ By Reading the Bible
If you are a person who is seeking after the truth and would like to know the meaning of your life, you need to read the Bible, and you should call on the Christ who is presented to you in the Bible. God has given every person a spirit (Job 32:8) so that he can understand and receive the things of God. We hope that you will begin your reading of this wonderful book, the Bible, by reading the New Testament, and we also hope that you will begin a fruitful and abundant life today through meeting Jesus Christ in this book.